





The Research of Identity Spread and Experience in China’s Apparel Brand


Apparel brand, Strategy, Identity spread, Experience, Brand framework


With the rapid development of economy in China last decade, the arel enterprises he turned the single product manufacture to the brand construction. Any arel brand has operated in a changing market economic environment and evolved marketing spread in the relationship among the other brand arel in the same industry, target consumers and social public.


The consuming idea has been tending to mature with the enormous promotion of consumers’ consuming capacity. It is forecasted that in 2020, China will become the largest arel production and consumption country in the world. Aimed at the huge market with enormous potential, the paper has a research of comparison and analysis on the operation actuality and marketing spreading methods of arel brands in overseas and domestic markets and tries to discuss the spread methods of domestic arel brand strategy from the aspects of brand identity spread and experience marketing. Through extracting the advanced management idea of famous brands and the methods of solving problems, it improves a strategy that according with Chinese situation and enterprises actuality for domestic arel brand operators and provides scientific theories for China arel enterprises.


The paper adopts the commercial mode of brand driving, which is a systemic research method with strong practice and maneuverability by Did Ike, the brand managing master, to he a analysis for the brand operation process of Chinese arel enterprises from following phases: the analysis and understanding of market, the strategy and project of brand and the practical operation of brand strategy. Simultaneously, it expounds the design strategy and management of arel brand with the help of the executing tool (experience providers) of experience marketing by Bernd Schmitt from the aspects of visual identity, product presence, spread, spatial environments and sales promoter, respectively. Finally, it anatomizes the arel brand strategy and framework optimization combining with the development actuality of domestic arel.



In the development of future, Chinese arel enterprises should firstly he an orientation that is close to practical market, then enhance adequate research and investment to establish a sound and continuable development strategy that can conform to domestic arel enterprises. The paper convinces that Chinese arel market will full of opportunities and challenges in the future. How to dig for the local resources of production and culture, and use systemic tools of modern design and brand management, which has a crucial strategical significance for the structure adjustment of future arel market and internationalization breakthrough.


卖场人员的翻译参考《组织与品牌认定、认同及员工效能之关系-以国内休闲服饰零售业卖场人员为对象》王琼慧(Chiung-Hui Wang) ://etd.lib.nsysu.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0828103-234937

伯德?施密特, 产品呈现,视觉识别, 空间环境和体验媒介的翻译参考《关注体验式营销》://.emkt.cn/article/65/6522-5.html

品牌驱动的翻译参考《凯洛格战略论》第12章 创建一个品牌驱动的组织 ://.boraid/darticle3/list.asp?id=67942&Page=6&size=zhong
















2、该游戏是GTA系列的第二部3D游戏,第六部作品。游戏的背景城市是罪城(Vice City,原型为美国迈阿密),改编自美国**《疤面煞星》。游戏中,主角汤米·维赛迪出狱后,在罪城结交好友,发展帮派,最后手刃令其坐牢的桑尼。?




The white bird glided a beautiful arc over the blue sky,hit it hard with my racket, it turned back like a bullet aiming a target. "27th " I shouted to my sister.

We he been enjoy playing badminton since we he learnt the basic skills. For us , it was not just simply a sport but an old friend who entertained us during lots of bored afternoons.

Hily, we would grab a pair of rackets and began a game which requirs precision and promptness. Controlling the bird between our rackets fufilled me with a sense of triumph and joy as if I was the first-class athelete!






高中英语新课程标准的总目标是发展学生的综合语言应用能力,尤其是他们获取和加工信息的能力以及分析和解决问题的能力,同时强调学生 英语口语 水平和思维能力的提高。我精心收集了 高一英语 美文小短文,供大家欣赏学习!


 A Proposal to myself

 I am writing this the day before I know my fate-the day before I know the answer to what will hen in my life. I am writing this with my mind set that I will carry on and not let life pass me by.

 I am determined that I will see the world in every aspect that may be possible for me. I am sure that I will become something, even if the envelope that carries my life inside it gives me bad news.

 I will not listen to those who insist that a university degree is the only way you will find a means of living these days.

 I will ignore those who tell me that I am a dreamer without a dream.

 I will tell myself that although I may not be accepted to college, I've seen the northern lights curtain themselves in front of me.

 I he tasted the wine in Paris and swum in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

 I he been to an Irish pub, and I he watched the sun rise from the Roman Forum.

 I he climbed the Swiss Alps and counted the stars in the sky until I could see no more .

 I he experienced what it is like to live, and I will tell myself that even if that envelope is small and exudes rejection, the person that they he rejected will carry on and go on to see more mountains and swim in more waters and keep on counting the stars, because somewhere it is written that I must continue to live my life the way I knows how to.


 Chasing After Your Dream

 Dreams! How nice do they sound? I am not talking about the dreams we he when we are asleep but about the life long aspirations in each one of us. I am sure many or rather shoud I say all of us he goals in our lives. It could be the goal to be the next millionaire or to be a popular celebrity. Even if your goal is something small, you should be proud that you do he a goal.

 Some never tend to think about goals in life. Although this may sound as a surprise it is ture. These people take life as it comes without planning and go with the flow of events in their life. But again there are many who love planning for everything in their life.

 In fact, hing a goal in life would make anyone more focused and determined in reaching that target. Wish to get a job as a web designer? Your dream can come ture if you work on your dream. How, you might ask? Start learning web-designing skills and when you're skilled, you will find that you can get your desired job easily. So, do you see that all it takes for your goals to materialize is some work on your part? I he heard some grumble that their dreas are just dreams and can never become true. Well, it all depends on what kind of goals you're aiming at. If you're dying to be the next star in Hollywood but you're camera-shy and you don't know anything about acting, your dream to make it big in Hollywood might remain as a dream. But if you're very determined to make it and you're already enrolling yourself in agting classes and talking to experiencedacors about acting, you can be pretty sure that you're already half-way there to make your dream into a reality. After all, if one is willing to put in the efforts, their goals can become within reach.

 So never say that your dream will forever be a dream. Go ahead, plan on making that dream a reality and watch how easily you can attain that target.

 Good luck.


 As High As A Kite

 I was sitting on the beach the other day watching a kite (In the shape of a two winged aircraft) flying high in the sky. It made wonderful acrobatic maneuvers as if piloted by a person with a lifetimes experience of flying. However, we all know a kite cannot fly without the power of the wind. So how real was the performance I was watching?

 Firstly, it took a person with great imagination to design a kite shaped like a tiger moth aircraft that can encompass the aerodynamics to be powered by the wind. That accomplishment in itself takes great skill and awareness of the forces of nature.

 Secondly, the person who purchased the kite needs to read the instructions and learn how to ly the winds forces to achieve a great display. The mind and hand coordination requires a mastery to attain the required skills.

 Thirdly, without the power of the wind, the kite would just be a charming, colorful, textured replica of a Tiger Moth aircraft. We cannot see the wind....but we know it must exist, for we can feel it and see the consequences of its power.

 So, we he a relationship between the designer and manufacturer which ultimately will connect to the user. It then needs a power of nature that cannot be seen in order to allow the kite to operate. The display I was observing had a lot of behind the scenes work that needed to be performed, before the show could go on.









方法其实大家都知,是把武器或防具掉在地上, 看它的"ref ID"再输入以下命令

refID.amod 附魔代码

但很多人的问题是掉地上后怎麽样按都看不到它的ref ID ...





ff00xxxx.amod 1e73bd



Assassin's Does 50% more damage against humans. 001e6846

Automatic Automatic fire mode. (Laser Musket only) 000a4739

Berserker's Does more damage the lower the player character's Armor Resistance. (Up to 200% at 0 resistance) 001ef5d7

Bloodied Does more damage the lower the users health is. 001ec036

Calier's Reduces damage by 15% while blocking or sprinting. 001f57e2

Crippling 50% more limb damage. 001e6d6b

Enraging Critical hits cause target to frenzy. 001f6ad4

Explosive Bullets explode on impact doing 15 points area-of-effect damage. 001e73bd

Exterminator's Does 50% more damage against Mirelurks and bugs. 001f81eb

Freezing Does 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits. 001f5479

Furious Increased damage after each consecutive hit on the same target. 001ef481

Ghoul slayer's Does 50% more damage against ghouls. 001e6847

Hunter's Does 50% more damage against animals. 001e6845

Incendiary Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage. 001e7173

Instigating Does double damage if the target is at full health. 001f04b8

Irradiated Does 50 points additional radiation damage. 001cc469

Junkie's Does increased amounts of damage the more withdrawal effects the Sole Survivor is suffering. 001eb99a

Kneecer 20% chance to cripple the target's leg. 001f1048

Lucky Weapon Critical shots do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster. 001cc2a6

Medic's Heals target instead of hurting them. 001f109c

Mutant slayer's Does 50% more damage against Super Mutants. 001e6848

Never Ending Sets ammo capacity equal to the amount one is carrying. 001cc2ac

Nimble Provides 75% faster movement while aiming. 001ebabd

Nocturnal Does increasing amounts of damage as the night grows longer and less damage during the day. 001e8174

Penetrating Ignores 30% of the target's damage and energy resistance. 001f4426

Plasma infused Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo. 001f9b4d

Poisoner's Target is poisoned for 10 seconds. 001f31b9

Powerful / Mighty Provides 25% more damage. 001cc2ab

Quickdraw Costs 25% fewer Action Points. 001f1026

Rapid 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload. 001ec56d

Relentless Refills Action Points on a critical hit. 001ed37e

Sentinel's Take 15% less damage while standing and not moving. 001f5995

Staggering Chance to stagger on hit. 001e81ab

Stalker's If not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more AP. 001f04bd

Troubleshooter's Does 50% more damage against robots. 001f81ec

Two shot Fires an additional projectile. Decrease in accuracy. 001cc2ad

VATS enhanced Improved V.A.T.S. hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost. 001cc2aa

VATS enhanced 40% less Action Point cost. 002056f0

Violent Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil. 001f7b8a

Wounding Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage. 001e7c20


001F1DF9 杂技 跳楼伤害减少50%

001F1E0C 无坚不摧 四倍的耐用

001F1DF3 刺客 受到人类伤害减少15%

001F8165 内部衬垫 血量低的时候防御增加(最多+35)

001F579D 骑士 格挡或冲刺状态下减少15%的伤害

001F4D18 变色龙 潜行下静止不动时隐身{可迭加进行小幅移动}

001CF57C 狡猾 敏捷+1,感知+1

001F3A49 决斗 攻击有10%几率缴械对手武器{不确定是否需要近战}

001F81EB 驱虫剂 受到变种蟹和昆虫伤害减少15%

001CF57F 强化 力量+1,耐力+1

00093BBD 自由落体 无坠落伤害

001F1DEE 尸鬼杀手 受到尸鬼伤害减少15%

001F3072 草药师 +25毒抗性

001F1DEB 猎人 减少来自动物的伤害15%

001F1E0B 轻量化 防具重量降低

001CF57E 运气+2

001F2D3D 殉道者 血量低于20%进入时间

001F1DF4 杀手 受到的伤害减少15%

001F7A75 充电 提高AP回复速度

001F1E47 惩罚 近战伤害反弹10%给攻击者

001F3CA9 撬锁 增加撬锁时最佳开锁点的范围

001F5995 哨兵 站立不动时降低15%的伤害输出{貌似是这样翻译的?}

001CF57D 骗子 魅力+1,智力+1

001F1C2F 运动员 移动速度提高15%

001F57E4 泰坦 站立不动减少15%的伤害

001F81EC 机器人杀手 受到机器人的伤害减少15%

001F1D62 VATS增强 VAST消耗减少10%